Saturday, December 28, 2013

Idaho Probate Law - Questions & Answers

Do we have to probate?


It Depends on the circumstances


1. If the value of the estate

    is more than $100,000


2.  If the estate includes

     real estate

Idaho probate law

Even if you are not required

to probate, you may find it

easier and more efficient to

go ahead and do it.



You may be able to avoid the

claims of some creditors.



You will likely find it easier to

deal with banks, stock transfer

companies and similar entities.



You can call me with any of

your Idaho probate questions.


Its free and there is absolutely

no obligation on your part.



You can call me with any of

your Idaho probate questions.


Its free and there is absolutely

no obligation on your part.



Call me now and I'll be happy

to answer your questions.


    (208) 322-8865